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(As amended October 26, 1977)




WHEREAS, it is desirable to promote and safeguard the mutual interests of residents and property owners of Sleepy Hollow Woods, Fairfax County, Virginia;


WHEREAS, it is desirable to encourage active participation in the civic life of the community, and,


WHEREAS, it is in the public interest for us to unify our efforts in mutually beneficial activities for the betterment of the community,


NOW, THEREFORE, we do ordain and establish this Constitution for the organization of citizens of Sleepy Hollow Woods.

In order that the Association may be governed properly and with decorum and good order, the residents and property owners of Sleepy Hollow Woods do hereby adopt this Constitution and the By-Laws of the Association and do require that all persons subsequently becoming members of the Association shall be governed by their provisions.



The name of this organization shall be the Sleepy Hollow Woods Civic Association and hereinafter shall be referred to as "the Association."



The membership area of the Association shall consist of that residential community located to the north of Columbia Pike known as "SLEEPY HOLLOW WOODS SUBDIVISION," as recorded in the land records of Fairfax County in the following Deed Book Volumes and Page Numbers: Volume l694, Page 507; Volume l753, Pages 43l and 435; Volume l769, Pages 384 and 390; Volume l8l5, Pages 597, 605 and 6l2; Volume l936, Page 291; Volume 2526, Page 509.




Section 1. Membership in the Association shall be extended to any person resident in the Sleepy Hollow Woods Area, or who shall own real property in such area although not a resident thereof, who has attained the age of 2l years.


Section 2. Annual membership dues per family unit shall be determined by the Executive Committee, based on the financial needs of the Association, and shall continue at that level from year to year until changed by the Executive Committee, when it shall be subject to approval by the membership at the April general meeting.


Section 3. Each member shall be entitled to one vote, provided however that no family unit shall be permitted to cast more than two votes. Members may vote in person at meetings or by written proxy.


Section 4. (Amended 3-65) Membership dues shall be payable annually in August of each year, or in the case of new members, upon entrance into the Association. Membership dues for new members shall be on a pro-rata semi-annual basis. (Published March l965, Lamplighter).


Section 5. The non-payment of dues within two months after the due date shall automatically suspend a member from good standing and from all privileges of the Association; provided that any such member may be reinstated to good standing with full privileges of the Association by payment of current and arrears dues at any time.




Section 1. The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, a First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Officers shall be elected annually as provided in the By-Laws.


Section 2. Officers shall take office immediately after the election and shall hold office until the next regular election or until their successors shall have been elected or otherwise installed as provided in the Constitution and By-Laws.


Section 3. The First Vice-President shall succeed to the office of President in the year following the year in which he serves as First Vice-President.




Section 1. The President shall be charged with the responsibility for general supervision of the Association subject to this Constitution and By-Laws of the Association. He or She shall: (l) preside at all meetings; (2) appoint members to all Standing Committees; (3) appoint such special committees as may be necessary; (4) uphold and implement this Constitution and the By-Laws of the Association; (5) insure that the officers and committees properly discharge their duties; (6) be an ex-officio member of all committees; (7) have authority to call special meetings of the Association; (8) serve as Chairman of the Executive Committee; (9) perform such other duties as are customarily a prerequisite of the office of President.


Section 2. The First Vice-President shall: (l) at any meeting at the request of, or in the absence of, the President, preside and exercise the responsibilities and duties of that office as set forth in this Article; (2) assist in such duties as may be assigned by the President; (3) serve as the senior official representative (delegate) of the Association to outside organizations (other official representatives to assist him may be appointed by the President); (4) serve as Parliamentarian. As Parliamentarian, he shall advise the presiding officer as to the rules of order.


Section 3. The Second Vice-President shall: (l) at any meeting at the request of, or in the absence of, the President and First Vice-President, preside and exercise the responsibilities and duties of those officers as set forth in this Article; (2) assist in such duties as may be assigned by the President to include assisting the President and Committees in membership, social, civic improvement, hospitality, programs and allied areas.


Section 4. The Secretary shall: (l) record the minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Association; (2) record the minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee when requested by the President to do so; (3) have a currently accurate copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association available for inspection by any member in good standing; (4) be custodian of all records of the Association not specifically delegated to some other official by the Constitution and By-Laws or by action of the Association; (5) attend to all correspondence of the Association not coming under the jurisdiction of another officer, and shall keep a proper record of such correspondence; (6) record the results of ballotings and elections of officers in the minutes; and (7) perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President.


Section 5. The Treasurer shall: (l) receive and receipt for all dues and other monies paid to the Association; (2) pay all bills as may be authorized by the Association, in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws; (3) keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements; (4) at each regular meeting of the Association and to the Executive Committee upon request, make a report of all financial transactions transpiring since the meeting immediately preceding; (5) be responsible for and keep an accurate record of all personal property of the Association; and (6) perform other necessary financial functions.




Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers, the Chairmen of the Standing Committees, the President of the immediately preceding year, delegates of the Association to the Fairfax Federation of Citizens Associations, the Annandale District Community Council, and/or the Mason District Council of Citizens Associations. The President shall serve as Chairman of the Executive Committee and shall call meetings of the Committee as necessary. All past Presidents of the Association (with the exception of the immediate past President) shall be honorary members of an Executive Advisory Committee who shall be on call individually or collectively to advise and counsel the Executive Committee in matters concerning the Association.


Section 2. The Executive Committee shall consider and act upon all matters presented to the Committee and shall present to the Association its recommendations with respect thereto; provided, however, that the Association shall not be bound by such recommendations. Any action taken by the Executive Committee shall be subject to the approval of the membership at the next meeting of the Association.


Section 3. No obligation shall be incurred in the name of the Association without approval by the Executive Committee, subject to the right of the membership of the Association to pass on the actions of the Executive Committee.

Section 4. The Executive Committee shall, when necessary, request the President to call special meetings of the Association and of any of the standing or special committees; provided, that the President shall not be required to act upon any such request unless concurred in by a majority of the Executive Committee.


Section 5. The Executive Committee is empowered to take emergency action within the purpose and intent of this Constitution and the By-Laws of the Association between regular meetings, or during summer or other recesses ordered by the Association, when in the opinion of the Executive Committee it is impractical to call a special meeting of the Association; provided, that no such emergency action shall be taken except upon an approving vote of a majority of the Executive Committee.




Section 1. The regular meetings of the Association shall be held as specified in the By-Laws of the Association.


Section 2. Special meetings of the Association shall be called by the President whenever he deems it necessary, or when requested to do so by the Executive Committee as provided for in this Constitution and By-Laws; provided, that no special meetings shall be held unless the President ensures that due and reasonable notice of such meeting be given to the membership.


Section 3. The President shall be duty-bound to call a special meeting on petition of at least one-fifth of the members in good standing.




Section 1. A quorum shall be required for the transaction of any business binding the Association, except for emergency action taken by the Executive Committee as specified in Article VI, Section 5 hereof; provided, that the issue of whether a quorum is or is not present must be specifically and formally raised and determined prior to adjournment of the regular or special meeting of the Association which is in question.


Section 2. At any regular or special meeting of the Association, thirty (30) members whose names appear on the Association records and who are in good standing, present in person, shall constitute the quorum required by this Article for all purposes, except that absentee property owners who are members in good standing but residing outside the boundaries of the Sleepy Holly Woods Subdivision, will not be included in the computation to determine whether a quorum is present.




Section 1. The Constitution may be amended in the following manner: (a) The proposed amendment may be presented at any regular meeting of the Association. If approved by a majority vote, a copy of the proposed amendment shall be made available to each member within a reasonable time prior to the next regular meeting at which time the proposed amendment will be acted upon. (b) Approval by two-thirds of the membership present at the first regular meeting subsequent to the introduction of the proposed amendment shall constitute adoption of the amendment.


Section 2. By-Laws: The By-Laws may be changed by vote of a majority present at any meeting of the Association.



The privilege of voting at regular and special meetings of the Association shall extend only to members who are in good standing. Voting on all issues and elections during regular or special meetings shall be effected in person or by written proxy. No family household shall have more than two votes, notwithstanding the number of adults who may comprise the family unit.



The meeting and conduct of the Association and the presentation of business shall be governed by parliamentary rules of procedure as set forth in Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, except where they conflict with this Constitution and By-Laws of the Association.



The Association shall be non-partisan and non-sectarian.



The Association shall come into being and this Constitution and the By-Laws of the Association shall become effective upon enactment and ratification by a three-fourths vote of the persons present at the meeting at which this Constitution and the By-Laws of the Association are presented to the residents and property owners of the Sleepy Hollow Woods area for discussion

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